Remarkable Energy

Raising £50million of Seed Investment


Remarkable have created a recycling process that transforms plastic waste into high value outputs including kerosene and diesel. Their technology has the potential to drastically reduce the impact of plastic pollution on the planet. Having built a prototype and established demand they were ready to go to market. We worked with their founder, the scientist Ed Douglas Miller, and their CEO, James Boyce, to create a complex model that enabled them to schedule the rollout of the recycling plants and to evaluate different commercial strategies.


6-year financial model

£50 million of seed funding raised


The model was essential
for defining our
commercial strategy
and for fund raising.


James Boyce


There were several complex features that Remarkable needed that we custom built. Firstly, they needed to work out a rollout schedule. Each site takes a period of time to develop and can process from 1-9 tonnes of plastic per hour once it is fully operational. We created a visual representation of the rollout across 20 sites that Remarkable could then adjust to see the financial impact and to optimise the plan.

Secondly, there was a lot of capital account work to be done as Remarkable planned to set up each site as joint venture (JV). Each JV would be a client of Remarkable providing revenue as well as dividends. We used the model to optimise the debt to equity ratio of each JV as well as the optimal debt to equity for Remarkable itself.

Thirdly, Remarkable needed to work out whether to licence, lease or sell their technology to the JVs so we built all three commercial strategies into the model with a switch to flick between the different scenarios.